Hoos ugu soco tarjumaada soomaaliga.
Join in an evening of craft and cross-cultural dialogue as the UW-Madison Center for Study of Upper Midwestern Cultures partners with the Barron Public Library to host fiber artists working in Somali and Nordic traditions. The workshop will be led by weavers-in-residence from the Somali Museum of Minnesota and Laurel Sanders, a fiber artist from Duluth weaving in Norwegian, Sámi, and Anishinaabe (Ojibwe) traditions. No experience or special equipment required – just bring your spirit of curiosity and leave with new knowledge about craft traditions from some of the ethnic communities who have called Barron home.
UPDATE: Laurel Sanders will not be able to attend, and so we will welcome another fiber artist from the Duluth area, Sharon Wichman, who practices sprang, a craft which has roots in Scandinavia and in a number of other cultures. Sharon is fascinated by the possibilities of sprang, an ancient technique of twining, twisting, and braiding on parallel threads to create an elastic fabric. The stretchy nature of the cloth makes it ideal for body-hugging clothing such as hats, sweaters, and leggings, as well as belts, scarves, and bags. Sprang fabrics have been found in many cultures around the world, including Scandinavia, Roman-era Egypt (300-600 A.D), ancient Peru, and among several Native American tribes, including among Anishinaabe / Ojibwe people.
Arbaco, Juun 5, 2024
3:00 pm (sagaalka galabnimo) ilaa 5:00 pm (shanta galabnimo)
Maktabad dadweynaha ee Barron
Ka soo qayb gal habeenka wada-hadallada farsamada gacanta iyo is-dhaafsiga dhaqanka iyadoo Xarunta UW-Madison ee Barashada Dhaqamada ay la-hawlgalayso Maktabadda Dadweynaha ee Barron si ay u martigeliso farsamayaqaanada dunta ee ka shaqeeya dhaqanka Soomaalida iyo dalalka Nordic. Aqoon-is-weydaarsiga ayaa waxaa hogaamin doona dabayaalka ka socdo Madxafka Soomaalida ee Minnesota iyo Laurel Sanders, oo ah dabe/tidce ka socota Duluth weaving oo ku qoran luqadaha iyo dhaqamada Norway, Saami, iyo Anishinaabe (Ojibwe – Mareykan dhalad ah). Khibrad ama qalab gaar ah looma baahna – kaliya la imow niyad cilmi kororsi oo joogtee cilmi cusub oo ku saabsan oo ku saabsan farsamada caadooyinka qaar ka mid ah ee qawmiyada isku yimid dhismaha Barron.
This event is part of the project “Interwoven Roots & Routes: Somali and Scandinavian Heritage in the Upper Midwest.” The project is funded in part by a grant from Wisconsin Humanities, an agency which strengthens our democracy through educational and cultural programs that build connections and understanding among people of all backgrounds and beliefs throughout the state. Wisconsin Humanities funding is supported in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities. Any views, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this project do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Hawshan waxay qayb ka tahay mashruuca “Interwoven Roots & Routes: Somali and Scandinavian Heritage in the Upper Midwest.” Mashruuca waxaa lagu maalgeliyay qayb ahaan deeq ka timid Wisconsin Humanities / Golaha Aadamnimadda Wisconsin, oo ah hay’ad xoojisa dimuqraadiyadayada iyada oo loo marayo waxbarasho iyo barnaamijyo dhaqameed kuwaas oo dhisa isku xirka iyo isfahamka dadka asal kasta leh iyo caqiidada gobolka oo dhan. Maalgelinta Bani’aadamnimada ee Wisconsin waxaa qayb ahaan taageera National Endowment for the Humanities / Awqaafta Qaran ee Bina Aadamnimadda. Aragti kasta, natiijooyin, gabagabo ama talo bixin kasta oo lagu sheegay mashruucan qasab maaha in ay matasho kuwa Awqaafta Qaran ee Bina Aadamnimad.