Kari Tauring

Professional Nordic root musician, storyteller, and spiritual teacher, Kari Tauring grew up in a Norwegian Lutheran home. Her quest for a deeper root led to the life long study of proto-Germanic runes (200 ACE), mythic poetry, cosmology, and metaphysics beginning in 1989. The ancient völva (staff carrying woman) merged with the kjærringa med staven of Norwegian folk song and dance in 2003. Collaborating with Karen Solgard, Hardingfele, Carol Sersland, Telemark tradition bearer and others, staff and stick rhythm merge with ancient poetry and technology creating a layered soundscape that is at once ancient and modern. Tauring received a Folk and Traditional Arts grant to explore the intersection of rune shapes made by the body in traditional Norwegian dance. She has three Nordic root recordings and authored The Runes: A Deeper Journey.